Thursday, September 27, 2012

Structure of Union Parishad

Union parishad is the oldest and lowest local govt system. It has been functioning for more than hundred years for the rural development of the country . At preset we have 4498 Union parishad,Union parishads  are run by thedirectly elected representatives. Its roles and representaives are guided by different levels , rules and circulars is from time to time .

  1. Chairman: There shall be a chairman of Union Parishad directly elected by the voters of the Union.
  2. Members: Nine members shall be directly elected from the nine wards constituting the Union.
  3. Women members: Three seats shall be reserved for women. Each of the women members shall be directly elected by the male and female voters of three wards within a Union. 
  4. Official members: The Block Supervisor ( Directorate of Agriculture ), Health Assistant , Family Planning Assistant, Family Welfare Worker, Ansar/VDP and all other field staff of government departments working at Union level will be the official members of Union Parishad. They will have no voting right .
  5. Others members: Representatives of Muktijoddah, Cooperative Societies Disadvantages groups/Professions such as weavers, fishermen. landless workers, destitute women, etc) will be members of Union Parishad without voting right.

1 comment:

  1. ঢিল খাওয়ার জন্য প্রস্তুত থাকুন
