Parliament (Jatiya
Sangsad) of the People's Republic of Bangladesh is called Jatiya Sangsad.
Jatiya Sangsad is vested with the legislative powers of the Republic. Jatiya
Sangsad consists of 300 members elected in accordance with law from single
territorial constituencies by direct election. The members of Jatiya Sangsad
are designated as Members of Parliament (MPs).
Members of parliament are elected for five years. Unless
dissolved earlier constitutionally by the president,
Sangsad stands dissolved on the expiry of the period from the date of its first
meeting. Of course President can dissolve the Sangsad anytime under special
circumstances. The term of the Sangsad can be extended for a maximum period of
one year in a state of war. If after the expiry of the term of the Sangsad and
before the holding of the next general elections, the President is satisfied
that owing to the existence of a state of war in which the Republic is engaged
it is necessary to recall the Sangsad, he shall summon the Sangsad to meet and
that is to be done in consultation with the prime
In addition to 300 members, there were 30 seats exclusively
reserved for women members to be elected by elected members of the Sangsad. But
the term for provision of reserved seats for women expired in December 2001,
and the provision for reserved seats was not renewed. Women can, however,
contest in general seats. A member of Sangsad is required to make the oath of
affirmation with the Speaker after the election.
A member's seat is vacated if he/she fails to make and
subscribe the oath of affirmation within ninety days from the date of the first
Sangsad session or before the expiry of that period extended by the Speaker on
reasonable ground. His/her seat shall be vacated if he remains absent from
Sangsad for ninety consecutive sitting days without any leave from the Sangsad.
For any reason if Sangsad is dissolved the member's seat is also vacated.
Moreover, the seat of an elected member of Sangsad shall be declared vacated if
he/she resigns from his/her own party or votes in Sangsad against that party,
or being present in Sangsad abstains from voting, or abstains himself/herself
from any sitting of Sangsad. An independent member can join any party. But once
he/she joins in a party he cannot leave the party. If he resigns from that
party he vacates his seat.
Speaker is the chief executive of Sangsad and he presides
over sessions of the Sangsad. His other functions are to maintain order and
discipline and to uphold the dignity of Sangsad. He is to remain neutral and
his prime responsibility is to preserve the rights of members. His decision and
ruling are to be carried out when Sangsad is in session. He can expel a member
for the sake of maintaining discipline of Sangsad. Members of Sangsad are to
remain respectful to the Speaker.
According to the constitution, if the President of the
Republic is unable to discharge his functions, Speaker shall officiate on his
behalf. In absence of the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker presides over Sangsad
sessions and performs normal functions. In addition, he will assist Speaker in
all other functions. Speaker can be removed from his post if Sangsad passes a
resolution to that end supported by the votes of a majority. If the post of
Speaker or Deputy Speaker falls vacant the vacancy is to be filled up within
seven days when Sangsad is in session, or if not at the next first meeting. If
for any reason Sangsad is dissolved the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker shall be
deemed to continue to hold office until his successor has entered upon office.
Jatiya Sangsad begins its session after oath-taking of its
members and election of Speaker and Deputy Speaker. According to Article 72 of
the Constitution, Sangsad shall be summoned to meet within thirty days after
the declaration of polling result at any general election of members of
Sangsad. By public notification, President summons, prorogues and dissolves
Sangsad. He specifies the time and place of its first meeting. The time between
the first sitting and the day when Sangsad prorogued or dissolved is called
session. At the commencement of the first session of each year President
addresses the Sangsad. There is no provision to exceed sixty days between the
end of one session and the sitting of the following session. Sangsad's
Secretary shall arrange to publish a gazette notification specifying date, time
and place of sitting when Sangsad is summoned and send the same to the members.
But if Sangsad is summoned under emergency situation or on short notice an
announcement related to date time and place is published in the gazette or in
newspapers so that members are duly informed.
It is the jurisdiction of President to summon, prorogue or
dissolve Sangsad. But as mentioned in the Constitution under certain
circumstances, such as, in the case of impeachment motion against President of
the Republic, the Speaker can summon Sangsad. Constitution provides that Sangsad
is to sit for at least two sessions a year. Different types of sitting are held
in Sangsad. These sittings may be of Sangsad or of any committee and
sub-committee. According to procedure of Sangsad, the Speaker directs different
time and dates of the Sangsad sessions. As per direction of the Speaker time
schedule of each sitting is prepared. Speaker can at any time dissolve any
sitting and summon the same at any other date and time. Time and date of the
sitting of a committee is fixed by its chairman, and in case of the absence of
chairman secretary fixes date and time. Upon the advice of the Leader of the
House Speaker can fix a day and part of a day for a secret meeting of Sangsad.
During the time of the meeting there is no entry to any visitor at house, lobby
or gallery unless otherwise permitted by the Speaker. Speaker at his own
consideration can disclose proceedings of a secret meeting. But any other
person present cannot record or note in part or full of proceedings or any
decision of the meeting and also cannot disclose or discuss. Other rules of the
secret meeting are fixed by the direction of the Speaker.
At least presence of sixty members is required to have
quorum in a Sangsad session. If members present is less then sixty at any time
Speaker suspends the session and starts striking a bell for five minutes. Even
after that, if there is no quorum speaker dissolves the session.
Leader of the House means a leader who have got confidence
of the majority of members. In Parliamentary system, leader of the Sangsad is
appointed as the chief government executive or Prime Minister. However, any
other member nominated by the Prime Minister can be the Leader of the House.
The role of the Leader of the House is very important to make Sangsad effective
and successful. He/she is to perform the responsibility of maintaining the
rights of parties in government and opposition. Leader of the House controls
government proceedings through the Chief Whip. He/she advises the Speaker on
important issues. It is his/her responsibility to adopt all plans relating to
The Leader of the Opposition is elected upon the confidence
of all opposition members including the opposition party of maximum members in
the Sangsad. He/she leads opposition parties and fixes proceedings of a session
through discussion with the Leader of House and the whips. He/she enjoys the
rank and facilities of a full minister. He/she gets full time office and a
staff. He/she works as a substitute to the Prime Minister's responsibility at the
time of legislation, parliamentary debate and any type of crisis.
Whips from government and opposition parties in Sangsad are
appointed in order to maintain understanding between both the parties and to
see the interest of his own party. There is one chief whip from each of the
government and opposition parties. There are other whips to assist the chief
whip. The chief whip and other whips get no extra honorarium. Their works in
Sangsad keep them always busy. To mobilise members to vote in favour of their
own parties, to supply necessary documents, papers and information to their
party members and to appraise the party leader of Parliamentary matters and to
assist the party leader in his business are some of the important functions of
the whips. Their function also include the preparation of list of party members
to represent at the different committees. Good mutual understanding and
relation between the chief whips and the whips of both parties ensures smooth
functioning of session. In case of any problem or dispute in the Sangsad chief
whip can play a vital role to mitigate it.
Front seats of the Sangsad house is called Treasury bench.
Ministers and leading members sit in front row. Treasury bench remains at the
right side of Speaker's chair. Front row at its opposite side is occupied by
the opposition leader, deputy leader, whips and other leading opposition
members. Treasury bench is also called Front bench. The members on the back row
both in government and opposition sides are named as back benchers. These
members are neither ministers nor holding any important post in the government.
Language used by the members of Sangsad in their speeches in
the House or in writing Sangsad proceedings is termed as the Language of
Sangsad. Generally state language is used as language of Sangsad; so Bangla is
the language of Sangsad. Members are to speak in Bangla. But any member found
unable to express properly in Bangla may be permitted by the Speaker to speak
in English. Government record of the proceedings of Sangsad is kept in Bangla;
of course Speaker can allow to record in English any part or quotation of the
In the Constitution, there is a provision that President at
the commencement of the first session after the general election of members of
the Sangsad and also at the first session of each year shall address the
Sangsad. There is no instruction in the Constitution regarding the subject
matter of his address. But according to democratic practice, this address
contains an authentic narration of state's internal and external policies of
the current year. President before presenting his address informs the Speaker
in writing. Speaker after fixing the date and time of the address includes the
subject in the business session of the particular day. Speaker upon the advice
of the Leader of the House allots time to discuss on presidential address.
Discussion on the address is held on thanks giving proposal made by a member
and supported by another. If any message is sent by President, Speaker reads it
out and gives necessary instructions for any discussion on it. Contact is
established between Sangsad and President by his written message sent through
the Speaker. In fact President makes liaison with Sangsad through Speaker.
For doing the business of the Jatiya Sangsad in an orderly
manner several committees are formed. In article 76(1) of the constitution,
there is provision to appoint three standing committees: (a) a public accounts
committee; (b) committee of privileges; and (c) such other standing committees
as the Sangsad rules of procedure require. In addition, there are such
committees as business advisory committee, committee relating to bill and
decision proposal of private members, budget committee, committee relating to
government assurances, committee relating to scrutiny of bills, committee on
government establishments, Parliamentary committee, library committee and
special committee. Members of all these committees are appointed on the
proposal passed by Sangsad. According to constitutional provision the term of
all committees is valid up to the duration of running Sangsad except the
committee relating to scrutiny of bills or for other special purposes. But if
necessary Sangsad may reconstitute committees.
A committee meeting needs nearly one-third of its members
present for quorum. All decisions are taken by vote of majojrity members
present in a meeting. If there is a tie on any issue chairman or any member
acting as chairman may use second or casting vote. A provision is there to
appoint one or more powerful sub-committees under the original committee to
examine any subject sent to the committees. When a report of a sub-committee is
accepted by its original committee, it deems a report of the original
committee. Chairman generally fixes the date and time of committee meeting and
in his absence the secretary can decide its date and time. Secretary upon the
advice of the concerned minister can fix date and time of a meeting of the
committee relating to scrutiny of bill if chairman is found late at schedule
time. Cabinet secretary is an ex-officio secretary to each committee who may
delegate power to perform his prescribed function on any officer of the
secretariat. Generally committees are of two kinds, Parliamentary Committee and
Ministerial Committee. Main functions of these committees are to examine draft
bills and other legislative proposals and to put recommendation for the
improvement of such bills.
The Jatiya Sangsad through committees supervise the
activities of the government. Committees may place proposals for taking
necessary steps after reviewing whether legislation of Sangsad are being
properly applied. Committees have the power to enquire and investigate into
important ministerial works and administration on the matters of public importance.
Success of the Sangsad largely depends on the effectiveness of these
committees. There are specific provisions in the rules of procedure about
appointment, power and functions of the committees. Every part of a bill placed
before Sangsad is called 'Clause'. These are termed as laws after their
enactment in the Sangsad. A bill is discussed clause by clause after it is
placed in Sangsad by the Speaker. Committee may change a clause or add a new
clause if it deems necessary.
Jatiya Sangsad makes rule of procedure for its smooth
functioning. Bangladesh Jatiya Sangsad has its own rules of procedure. It has
specific directives relating to summons of Sangsad, its prorogation or
dissolution, sitting arrangement of members, oath and list, election of Speaker
and Deputy Speaker, nomination of presidium, power and functions of Speaker and
Deputy Speaker, session of Sangsad, arrangement of proceedings, daily
programme, address of President before Sangsad and his message, questions and
questions on short notice, proposals on different issues, legislation,
amendment of Constitution, petition, procedures relating to finance, proposal
for decision, special power of a member of Sangsad, rules of procedure of the
committees, general procedures, rules to be followed by members etc.
There are two types of functions of the Sangsad; government
functions and private functions. Bill, budget, proposal for decision, amendment
and other proposals placed by any minister is regarded as government functions
while such things placed by any government member and opposition member are
considered as private functions. One day in a week is kept reserved for private
proceeding. Other days are only for government proceedings which get more
privilege and more time. In a particular day privilege is given to perform a
specific type of proceedings. If necessary Speaker upon the advice of the
Leader of the House can allot any day for private proceedings. Proceedings of
Sangsad are arranged according to the direction of Speaker.
Parliamentary secretary prepares a list of proceedings for a
particular day. After its approval from the Speaker a copy of proceeding is
sent to all members before a day's work starts. It is known as daily programme.
A proceeding not included in daily programme cannot be transected without the
permission of the Speaker. In any daily programme scheduled for decision
proposal of the private members more than five proposals cannot be included. Of
course Speaker can change the provision. The members are required of issue
prior notice for raising any question or proposal before Sangsad. They issue
notice addressed to the secretary in writing as per rules of procedure. Copy of
the notice and other papers including a copy of questions are sent to the
members at due time. This notice needs to be sent at least fifteen days
earlier. A member cannot serve notice for more than ten questions per day.
If a question is made to a minister, Speaker after
consulting the concerned minister can allow to place questions within less than
fifteen days. No notice can be published by a member or any other person until
it is accepted by Speaker and served among the members. Speaker by his own
discretion can revise a notice before it is served if it is found disputable,
in contravention with parliamentary rules, sarcastic, irrelevant, full of
verbose or not acceptable for other reason. Private members raising a decision
proposal are to serve notice at least ten days earlier. A member cannot serve
notice having more than twenty five decision proposals. During session question
is raised on validity issue. In clause 301 of rules of procedure of the Sangsad
there is a reference on the issue of raising question of validity, Speaker's
action and other related issues. Any member can raise a question of validity. But
this should be within the purview of Constitution, rules of procedure and power
of the Speaker. Speaker decides whether the question is a question of validity.
No debate is allowed on the question of validity. Of course Speaker if he deems
reasonable can allow members' opinion prior to his decision. Speaker's decision
is final on this issue.
Draft or proposal for a law is called bill. For a
legislation any proposal brought before Sangsad is moved as bill. Bill may be
of two kinds. Treasury bill is moved by a minister and private bill can be
moved by any member. Proposal for seeking permission to move any bill initially
requires a notice. Then the bill is notified in gazette. Then bill is accepted
for consideration or is sent to the standing committee or to the select
committee. At that stage discussion is made on the amendment on the bill. When
a bill is passed Speaker after due attestation sends it to President for
his/her assent. The President within fifteen days from its placement gives his
assent or sends it back to the Sangsad for reconsideration. The Sangsad after
reconsidering the bill again places it to the President, and the President
gives his assent within seven days. In case the President fails to do so within
the specified time, the bill is deemed to have been assented on the expiry of
seven days. Then the bill turns to be a law. But in case of money bill this
procedure is not applicable. Money bill cannot be placed before the Sangsad
without the recommendation of President. The money bill once passed in the
Sangsad cannot be sent back for reconsideration. The certificate of the Speaker
is final as to whether a bill is a money bill or not. Government initiates a
money bill or any bill which involves expenditure. Every year a money bill with
financial proposal of the government for the next year is placed before
Sangsad. The President gives his assent to the money bill within fifteen days
from its placement. If he fails to do so, the bill is deemed to have been a law
on the expiry of the period.
At the beginning of a financial year a statement of the
estimated receipts and expenditure of the government for that year is to be
placed before the Sangsad. Normally the Finance Minister places budget to the
Sangsad. Budget includes financial statement of receipt and expenditure of the
previous year, a picture of receipt and expenditure of the current year and the
financial demand. The session of Sangsad in which budget is placed is known as
budget session. After the three stages-discussion, debate and voting money bill
is presented to the President for his assent. But expenditure charged upon the
consolidated fund cannot be submitted to the vote of the Sangsad. Speaker
allots separate days to debate on every phase of a budget. As per clause 89(2)
of the Constitution demand for grants is passed in the Sangsad. Sector-wise
expenditure is mentioned in demand for grants. At the next stage appropriation
bill is passed. Entire government fund is kept in the consolidated fund.
Receipt of any money from the consolidated fund needs appropriation from the
Sangsad. No amendment can be proposed in Sangsad to any such bill which has the
effect of varying the amount of any grant so made or altering the purpose to
which it is to be applied, or of varying the amount of any expenditure charged
on the consolidated fund.
Debate is held among members of Sangsad on the address of
President, on any bill or proposal and any issue of public importance. In
debate members put argument in favour of their own deliverance and cite
argument countering others. There is no specific rule on debate. Time is
specified for debate. Debate ends on voting or no-voting on the issue or on
acceptance or rejection. Members are to take part in debate as per
parliamentary rules.
Usually members of opposition parties in protest against
some government decisions or Speaker's ruling walk out from the House. Members
of government parties may also walk out. In parliamentary democracy walking out
is recognised as member's right. Normal proceedings of Sangsad is disturbed due
to walk-out. In order to draw the attentation of the common people walk-out is
done. There is example of frequent walk-out of the opposition party in
Bangladesh Jatiya Sangsad.
In parliamentary language 'boycott' means abandonment from
Sangsad. Members for specific demand or in protest of Speaker's decision or
ruling or on the issues of political movement against government may boycott
the House. Boycott practice is noticeable after 1990s. In case of voting
particular word is used to mean 'vote for' or 'vote against' in the Sangsad.
Sangsad has its own secretariat for its official transactions and businesses.
It is vested with the responsibility of giving notice of summoning the Sangsad,
preparation of the list of members, preparation of daily proceedings, to
receive notice of question and proposal, to prepare report and publish it, and
other miscellaneous services. The Sangsad secretariat is exclusively the
establishment of the Sangsad, not an organ or a department of the government. Sangsad
makes separate rules for the appointment of the officers and employees of its
secretariat and their terms of service. ]
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