Cabinet Division In Bangladesh
Cabinet Division high
power policy management division in the secretariat
which works in close proximity to the prime
minister in implementing important decisions made by the cabinet as
well as in effecting inter-ministerial coordination, especially in matters when
cooperation and joint actions by more than one ministry/division are necessary.
There was no such division in the provincial secretariat in former East
Pakistan. But the government-in-exile at Mujibnagar did constitute such a
division in keeping with the principles of the functioning of a national
government. It was then a constituent unit of the ministry of cabinet affairs
of the government-in-exile. This set-up was retained almost intact in
Bangladesh after liberation. Initially it was under the control of the Prime
Minister, but was placed under the president
in 1975 when the form of government was changed. However, since 1991 when the
system of government reverted to parliamentary, this important division has
again been placed under the Prime Minister.
The main functions of the cabinet division are (i) to convene
meetings of the cabinet and its various committees, and to draw up their
agendas according to the directives of the Prime Minister; (ii) to ensure
proper submission of policy papers and supporting information to the
cabinet/committee by the various sponsoring ministries/divisions; (iii) to
record minutes and decisions of the cabinet/committee meetings and circulate
them to all concerned; (iv) to follow up the implementation of decisions and
policy directives and report to the Prime Minister, the cabinet and its various
committees; (v) to obtain periodic reports on the activities of various
ministries/divisions and their attached departments/offices, as
well as to scrutinise those reports and place relevant information before the
Prime Minister/cabinet. In addition, the cabinet division provides secretarial
services to the President, Prime Minister and all other ministers, including
all the committees constituted from time to time by the Prime Minister/cabinet.
It also deals with matters relating to the remuneration and privileges of the
President, Prime Minister and ministers. The responsibility for framing the rules
of business and for allocation of functions among various
ministries/divisions also rests with the cabinet division.
The rules of business specify in clear terms that no
ministry/division shall, without previous consultation with the cabinet
division, issue or authorise any order which involves (i) interpretation of the
rules of business; (ii) reorganisation of a ministry/division; (iii) a change
in the existing allocation of business among different ministries/divisions;
and (iv) remuneration and privileges of the President, Prime Minister, and
other ministers.
The cabinet secretary is the official head of the cabinet
division. He is selected from among the senior-most civil servants. His status
is four steps above that of the other secretaries in the warrant
of precedence. He heads several secretary level committees on
matters of inter-ministerial consultations. He is the chairman of the
secretaries' committee on administrative improvements and the superior
selection board (ssb).
In fact, the cabinet secretary acts as the principal adviser to the Prime
Minister/cabinet. His position is somewhat akin to that of the head of the
civil service and of the permanent bureaucracy in as much as all the
secretaries look to him for advice and guidance.
The cabinet secretary and his senior aides attend almost
every meeting of the cabinet and prepare a brief record of discussions in an
impersonal manner and submit it to the Prime Minister for approval. He
circulates to each minister a copy of the minutes of cabinet meeting as
approved by the Prime Minister, and sends extracts of the relevant cabinet
decision(s) for implementation to the secretary of the concerned ministry. He
is responsible as well to keep a constant watch on the implementation of such
The cabinet division is responsible for looking after the
general administration of the thanas/upazilas, districts and divisions. The
cabinet division directly controls the upazila
nirbhahi officers, deputy commissioners and divisional
commissioners. The performance and functions of the magistrates
working in the lower courts at thana and district levels are regularly
monitored by the cabinet division.
cabinet division is responsible for the preparation of a monthly report in the
form of a resume on the activities of all ministries/divisions and its
submission to cabinet meetings. It also prepares an annual report on the
activities of different ministries/divisions for its submission to the cabinet.
Thus the cabinet division plays a vital role in the overall coordination of all
governmental activities.
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